Roundtable Osteuropa

Roundtable Osteuropa

Not just China: Regional actors and the Belt and Road Initiative in Pakistan, Georgia and Hungary

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In the ten years since its conception, China’s Belt and Road Initiative has morphed into a trillion dollar global infrastructure enterprise. The attention it has been receiving is frequently mixed with suspicion about China’s presence on the global stage. However, any BRI project involves multiple actors beyond China and interacts with pre-existing infrastructure and conditions. How do national governments and elites as well as the EU perceive and utilize BRI infrastructure projects, do they actually serve their intended purpose and what are the outcomes for locals? Beril Ocaklı’s guests share their insights on three specific and telling cases: Nadia Ali on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor in the Gilgit-Baltistan region, Valentin Krüsmann on the construction of the E60 highway in Georgia and Tamás Peragovics on the Hungarian government’s handling of the Budapest-Belgrade railway construction.

(Music: “Complete” by Modul is licensed under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0-License.)


Nadia Ali (Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies)

Valentin Krüsmann (ZOiS):

Tamás Peragovics (Institute of World Economics Budapest, Visiting Researcher at ZOiS)

Beril Ocaklı (ZOiS)

Further reading:

ZOiS Spotlight | Tamás Peragovics, ‘China in Central Europe: Out of Steam?’, 14/06/2023

MERICS China Global Competition Tracker | Jacob Mardell, ‘The BRI in Pakistan: China’s flagship economic corridor’, 20/05/2020,

CBEES State of the Region Report, Beril Ocakli and Benedikt Ibele, ‘Georgia’s Modern (not so Environmental) Problems. The Nature of Road and Energy Infrastructures (page 73-83), 2023,

ZOiS Spotlight | Beril Ocakli, A Shapeshifting China in Central Asia, 31/05/2023,


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Über diesen Podcast

Der Roundtable Osteuropa ist ein Podcast des Zentrums für Osteuropa- und internationale Studien (ZOiS). Hier diskutieren Wissenschaftler*innen des ZOiS und Gäste über ihre Forschung zu Osteuropa. Dabei gehen wir auf aktuelle Ereignisse in Politik und Gesellschaft ein, versuchen aber auch, unbekanntere Themen zu beleuchten. Mit Einblicken aus Soziologie, Politikwissenschaften, Geografie, Sozialanthropologie, Kulturwissenschaften und Theologie.

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