Roundtable Osteuropa

Roundtable Osteuropa

Researching Ukraine at War

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How do Ukrainians make decisions at war time? What makes people more likely to evacuate a dangerous zone? What is the state of Ukrainian businesses and how do they rate their prospects of revovery? This podcast episode introduces Anastasiya Shurenkova and Natalia Zaika, two of the fellows from the Ukraine Research Network@ZOiS. In a conversation with Stefanie Orphal (ZOiS), they discuss their research on war related issues, how research could help adjusting policies and the question of the return of refugees to Ukraine. While they explain their methods and share preliminary results, they also talk about the way the war is affecting their daily work as researchers.

(Music: “Complete” by Modul is licensed under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0-License.)


Anastasiya Shurenkova (Info Sapiens):

Natalia Zaika (American University Kyiv):

Stefanie Orphal (ZOiS):

Find out more about the Ukraine Research Network@ZOiS (UNET):

Further reading:

Monika Pompeo, Volodymyr Vakhitov, Natalia Zaika: Nudging Civilians to Evacuate War Zones,

Event revording, Evacuation Alerts: Behavioural Insights from Ukraine,

The Ukraine Research Network@ZOiS is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.


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Über diesen Podcast

Der Roundtable Osteuropa ist ein Podcast des Zentrums für Osteuropa- und internationale Studien (ZOiS). Hier diskutieren Wissenschaftler*innen des ZOiS und Gäste über ihre Forschung zu Osteuropa. Dabei gehen wir auf aktuelle Ereignisse in Politik und Gesellschaft ein, versuchen aber auch, unbekanntere Themen zu beleuchten. Mit Einblicken aus Soziologie, Politikwissenschaften, Geografie, Sozialanthropologie, Kulturwissenschaften und Theologie.

von und mit ZOiS Berlin


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